Monday, May 17, 2010

Comment on - Times Online:
"Coalition creates 100 peers with Lords deal"

Coalition creates 100 peers with Lords deal - Times Online

The more the Lords is made to mirror party votes in the Commons the more corrupt and inefficient it will be. The original unreformed Lords, a collection of almost random people able to review legislation and stop it was more truly democratic. Why not restore the old hereditary peerage, not because they are "better" than every body else but because they are not? Top them off with occasional people granted recognition for public service, not in the government civil service and not in politics. Finally divide England into 5 assembly districts and add people for 10 year terms selected completely at random from the 8 regional units, England 5, Scotland, Ulster, and Wales.

(added to the Leader, "House of Who?"original not posted)
There is a precedent for choosing members of a government council by lot. Call it the Attic solution.

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