Trump has taken political spin to new, infernal levels. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images
(Note that Apple cut out the description and attribution for the photo)
When Person A announces that they hate B and think that all B Lovers should be destroyed, and then walks up to you with the blood of a B Lover, or the job and college admission of a B Lover's child, dripping from their fingers and then asks "What do you think of B?" it is understandable if the response is "That bum?"
The Left have embarked on a campaign of professional and personal destruction against not only those who actively resist them but against those who fail to publicly submit or fail to celebrate the Left's current position.
At this time the voting booth is almost the last place where people believe that they might have some expectation of privacy in expressing their views. Therefor it is reasonable to expect that many or most people who are not seeking a confrontation will answer a question from an opinion poll to give the response most likely to end the encounter with minimal risk. While we may honor those who resist bullies we must also recognize that most people will reasonably not seek to escalate an encounter phrased not as a direct threat but as an inquiry with a possible threat, possibly from a 3rd party, to follow.
My expectation is that we will see efforts to convince people that their ballot is not secret, not only to feed the Russian Hacking theme, but put out a message that it is safest to submit at the ballot box. Those Who Would Rule look at places where the Beloved Leader gets 99.96% in an election and they feel envy.
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