Saturday, September 11, 2021


There is no zero zilch nada zip justification for Biden claiming Emergency Powers in response to a Crisis. There was some justification for the government acting with dispatch in response to an unknown threat with an unknown level of lethality and unknown means of preventing mitigating or treating its impact. That was true, 18 to 20 months ago. That is why the initial response was labeled, "Two weeks to bend the curve." None of the excuses for Emergency actions that violated civil rights, including judicial due process, respect for state sovereignty, legislative oversight and authority, and individual freedoms including both of Speech and Privacy to include medical information, are true now. 

The government asked for two weeks so that they could find out what the disease was and where it came from and what measures might prove beneficial in response. Now we know that Fauci lied to Trump and the American people. He knew what the disease was and where it came from and he participated in a grandstanding power grab that distracted and delayed more effective measures while millions suffered. Billion were lost in financial collapse and misdirected efforts. The emotional damage was also a real cost. China in a series of hostile acts not only produced the disease and entered into corrupt relations with American officials that weakened our response but also they have withheld information that could have sped our response.

At this point what do we know? There is a disease. It is or will be endemic, like other corona viruses. Absent further genetic manipulation to make it more lethal to targeted populations, which may happen as that may be a focus of CCP sponsored bioweapons research, many or most may catch it at some time and most will survive. Vaccines and mRNA treatments will be refined and will be appropriate for some but not all. Other treatments, using either new medicines or as is common repurposed medicines, will be tested and some will prove more effective than others. As with other diseases for almost everyone and certainly for civilians vaccination and treatment should be a matter of personal choice determined between patients and their physicians operating under rules of Confidentiality and Informed Consent.

Consider an analogy. When a house is on fire the firefighters may knock the door down and tear the walls open, smashing dishes and furniture as they chase the fire. Their right to do so lasts only as long as the initial fire is burning and the cause and path of it are unknown. After a few hours at most the firefighters withdraw. If there is a concern that someone may be storing paint, alcohol, or old rags improperly then the fire department is not allowed to kick in doors to find and neutralize the threat. The police will have to go to a judge and show cause and hope for a warrant that they then must present. If they do not conduct themselves professionally then they may be liable.

Freedom is maintained at a cost, and that may include some inefficiency. If someone fails to exercise due care in storing flammables or by not reporting or by spreading a disease then they may face civil or criminal liabilities. Note that for some diseases such as AIDS the Democrats have reduced or eliminated the liability of those who knowingly expose others to infection. However nothing may be done without due process. Even in the case of Typhoid Mary the Health Department had to go through the courts before confining her and they did not respond to the disease by locking up every Irish servant.

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