Sunday, December 06, 2020

"What’s up with the Aggies?"

Many states have a rivalry between competing public university systems. Florida Michigan and Indiana come to mind. Texas also has a long standing competition between the UT and the Texas A&M schools. Usually these rivalries are acted on by students on the athletic fields and associated entertainments. In Texas they have become expressed in the modern sport of Competitive Virtue Signaling and devotion to The Cause by administrators.

Obama's SEAL Admiral that barked like a dog and rolled over for him gave a good speech and got hired as the UT system Chancellor. From that bully pulpit Admiral McRaven, while still in a legal pay status as on the military retired (technically a reserve status) list, he not only criticized the President but called for his removal and promoted slanderously false stories of Trump acting as a Russian agent that have given cover to real foreign intrusion and Vote Fraud by the Democrats. McRaven has moved on but the damage he did was real.

Since then the A&M system has had catching up to do to prove their woke bona fides. Since actual student contact for instruction is not part of their job this year, and indeed colleges are shedding faculty to protect the jobs of administrators, the desk jockeys at A&M have had the leisure to concentrate on perfecting their coercive apparatus and demonstrate their loyalty to their feudal lords, and not to the citizen taxpayers.

The administrators "How can you be successful?" is a threat, as if HR asks "Are you happy here?"

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