Wednesday, September 15, 2021

China's "Civilization Killers"

This is my fear. 44 years ago a friend who had won a Rhodes Scholarship got a little drunk at his celebration party and joked about inventing something like this.

Note that I am using racial terms and categories here that the wiki in their page "Race" spends hundreds of words repetitevly denying as having any scientific meaning or biological value. Why do I do this? Because the Chinese, like most people, believe that the terms mean something and that there are biological differences that can be exploited. 

The Chinese Communist Party is (im)morally and likely technically capable of attempting this. Before they unleash a bioweapon that targets Caucasians but spares Mongoloids (East Asians), which may be feasible but also may be difficult given the history of migrations and genetic mixing over the last 10,000 years, they would I think first test the technology on a more distinct target population, Negroids. Surprise.

The CCP are I think emotionally capable of genocidally exterminationg much of the population in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America and then using survivors as labor for extracting the resources the CCP covets.

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