Monday, March 11, 2019

Comment on Facebook,
Wretchard T. Cat: Jennifer Rubin on Twitter

On the face of it Cheney is as the Old Left put it in the days of Lillian Hellman "Objectively correct." Jennifer Rubin is very sad and I think very sick. Her disgrace is worse I think than that of Max Boot, who was just a clever young man on the make carving out a niche as a policy publicist and as such of not more import than someone who found himself working for JJ Hunsecker. While I may be wrong in thinking there is a distinction Rubin was a successful lawyer and then chose to become a conservative opinion writer and activist. Her turn since 2016, along with that of Podhoretz and the rest of the Commentary crew, is more extreme and shocking I think than that of the National Review group. Does she self medicate? How can she look at what she has stood for and then see the people she is aligned with now?

Jennifer Rubin's argument against Liz Cheney speaking up for the Jews is particularly inapt because the problem is, as I noted on an earlier post of my own, that Pelosi and her Whip are purporting to sit in judgment on what may be considered offensive to Jews. So we have a White Gentile Pelosi and a Black Gentile Clyburn telling Jews that they have no agency to criticize Omar's antisemitism because Omar's personal experience is more important than the historical experience of Jews. Cheney, a White Gentile, objects, since Jews are no less entitled to have bigotry directed at them responded to than are members of any other identity group, such as Blacks or Gays, who when attacked have received personal and direct support including the punishment by name of Congressman King. Rubin, a Jew, then attacks Cheney for defending Jews as being entitled to the same protection as everyone else.

As additional icing on this cake, Omar after her initial antisemitic statement, which resulted in the watered down House resolution in favor of Mom and Apple pie, doubled down and accused Jews of identifying more with a foreign community than America. Omar herself had no interaction to speak of or cause for grievance against Jews before coming to America that could be found in the personal experience that Congressman Clyburn, who has supported Israel in the past, referred to as more important than the Jewish experience of antisemitism. Her personal experience in Somalia was of being forced to become a refugee when Islamist extremists destroyed her homeland. What she has is a grievance based on her shared sense of identity with a foreign community that claims a grievance against a Jewish community.

Let me say this again slowly. Omar identifies with a foreign community based on a common religion and because of that she attacks native born American Jews and in a case of Projection accuses the Jews of being more loyal to a foreign community than they are to America. Pelosi and Clyburn say that Omar does not have to be held personally accountable for that, even though in far less clear cases other people have been. Cheney objects to Pelosi and Clyburn covering for Omar. Rubin then attacks Cheney.

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