Thursday, July 24, 2008

Comment on LGF 07-23-2008
"Overnight Open Thread"

#118 lifeofthemind 7/23/2008 10:11:04 pm PDT
re: #91 Racer X

Gee, does anyone really think this is going to be a success now that an "anonymous senior Iraqi military officer" has spilled the beans to the media?
Hey, where did they all go?

This is how third world, particularly Arab military or police forces operate. Arrange a big show for the visiting Americans. Make lots of loud noises and be sure the troops look inspection ready. Somehow though the word always gets out and the targets slip away. Remember the Americans will one day leave and everyone else will remain. Nobody wants to get caught up in a blood feud. Besides everyone is really related to some degree and you can't hurt your Uncles Cousins Nephews In Laws Niece's husband. If that fails everyone is a Muslim and protected (except for the few who are not and who are targets). Like with canine packs a leader's aggression is used to compel signs of submission after which the threat recedes. Saddam violated this rule by actually going after people and communities. In that he showed himself more a student of the secular soviets than of the religious tribal culture of Iraq. AQI also violated the expected standard and lost the tribes.


  1. Well, let me open an invitation to comment over at my place. It's nowhere near the readership of LGF or Malkin, but you might find a couple topics of interest!

    American Power

  2. I'm glad to hear that we won the war.

    Would you like to check out my blog

    It's small now, but trying to make it bigger

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  3. I'm glad to hear that we won the war.

    Would you like to check out my blog

    It's small now, but trying to make it bigger

    Comments Welcomed!

  4. Well, let me open an invitation to comment over at my place. It's nowhere near the readership of LGF or Malkin, but you might find a couple topics of interest!

    American Power


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